- Fells Point
Fells Point was not destroyed in the Great Fire of Baltimore in 1904. As a result, many buildings from the 1700’s are still standing, and their ghosts are still haunting. Fells Point was a shipbuilding neighborhood in the 1700’s, and home to Baltimore’s waterfront red light district from the 1800’s through well into the 1900’s and most of the ghosts here are related to what we call “The Three B’s”: bars, brothels, and boarding houses. From the ghosts of gentlemen dressed in Revolutionary war era garb, to the bar that affectionately calls its resident ghost “Edgar”, there are too many haunted buildings close together to mention here. We suggest you go on our haunted walking tour, The Original Fells Point Ghost Walk to hear about all of the ghosts in this historic Baltimore maritime neighborhood. - The Garrett Jacobs Mansion (excerpt from our book, Baltimore’s Harbor Haunts: True Ghost Stories. Copyright 2005, Schiffer Publishing)
Mrs. Robert Garrett Jacobs was a well known Gilded Age socialite living in Baltimore’s Mt Vernon neighborhood. In the late 1800’s she completed renovation of several properties which were combined to create the Garrett Jacobs Mansion, which houses the present day Engineer’s Club. Mrs. Garrett Jacobs was known citywide for her amazing parties- she was one of the leading hostesses in Baltimore and an invitation to her mansion was coveted among Baltimore’s privileged class. Imagine the private dining room filled with a few friends and family of Mrs. Jacobs. Imagine guests dining amid the sparkling crystal and fine china that Mrs. Jacobs most certainly had. One employee of the Engineering Society of Baltimore, not only imagined such a scene, he saw it with his own eyes! This employee who worked in the mansion several years ago was walking through the private dining room one evening. When he got halfway across the room he saw a large party of people seated at the table, glasses raised as if in a toast. Slowly the group of people faded before his eyes. The building has experienced many such strange occurrences- read more about them in our book. - The Lord Baltimore Hotel (excerpt from our book, Baltimore’s Harbor Haunts: True Ghost Stories. Copyright 2005, Schiffer Publishing)
The Lord Baltimore Hotel consistently appears on yearly lists of America’s most haunted hotels. The little girl who haunts the building is one reason. In 1998 a female staff worker named Fran was on the 19th floor of the building preparing a small meeting room for future use. She was working at a table facing the wall with an open door to her left. She bent over the table for a few moments, absorbed in her work. Then she looked up and to her left at the doorway. A little girl wearing a long cream colored dress and black shiny shoes ran by the open doorway, bouncing a red ball before her. Fran immediately ran outside calling after her “Little girl, are you lost?”. The hallway was completely empty. This employee, quite shaken at this point, turned around to go back to the meeting room when she saw two people walking down the hallway toward her. The first was an older gentleman dressed in formal attire. He was accompanied by a woman in a long ball gown. Fran asked them if they were looking for their granddaughter because she had just run by. She turned to point in the direction that the child had passed. When she turned her head back toward the two people, they had just vanished right before her eyes. - The Med Chi Building in Mt Vernon (from our interview with Med Chi staff)
Marcia Noyes (1869-1946) was the medical librarian at the Medical and Chirurgical Society of Maryland. She was known as a founding figure in the vocation of medical librarianship. She also lived in an apartment at the top of the building for many years. Ms. Noyes never married- she was married to her work. She loved the library that she created so much that many believe that she has never left. Staff have seen her roaming darkened rooms. She vanishes the moment she is spotted. Her footsteps echo among the stacks when staff are alone in the building. Read more about the Med Chi building haunting here. - Fort McHenry (excerpt from our book, Baltimore’s Harbor Haunts: True Ghost Stories. Copyright 2005, Schiffer Publishing)
Fort McHenry is home to many unexplained sightings. During the Battle of Baltimore in 1814 Lieutenant Levi Clagett was manning his post on Bastion Three at the fort. The British launched a bomb from a warship that scored a direct hit on Clagett’s bastion. He and another soldier were killed instantly. Some theorists speculate that when a person is killed suddenly sometimes the confused spirit does not know that it is dead. Perhaps this is one reason why Levi Clagett has remained at the fort. Guests have repeatedly reported spotting a man dressed in 1800’s style garb patrolling the area adjacent to the Third Bastion. Often these guests have assumed that a historical reenactment is taking place, only to be informed later that this is not the case. Read more about Ft McHenry’s hauntings in our book.